Tuesday, May 01, 2007

We traveled up to Kansas on Sunday to be there for Kelly's mom's funeral on Monday morning.
The service was beautiful.
One of Wanda's family members spoke on her generous gift of organ donation. He talked about the people that had already been touched by it and those that will benefit from it in the future.
As we were driving back home to Texas, my husband brought up the subject of organ donation. (He has always been a little uncomfortable with the idea, and a few years back he even suggested that I take my organ-donor sticker off my driver's license.) All this to say that he has had a major change of heart and now wishes to be an organ donor if the situation ever arises. When I asked what had changed his mind, he said it was seeing all the good that came from it and hearing about the lives that Wanda had touched.
I think that is an incredible tribute to a wonderful woman.


Shanygne said...

I was wishing we could have gone up, too...
I'm an organ donor, too, and Kevin is not... we haven't talked about it in a while, so I forget why he doesn't want to.

Any idea when J/K are getting back? We are wanting to put together a few meals for them...

Anonymous said...

I always had an issue with donating blood until Christina Lowrey's ordeal. Jenna gives bloog all the time. She is also listed as an organ donor. I guess she has a heart for the right things in this world and when these things affect those we love it becomes a real issue and we look at it through a different light.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

a life that never really dies. organ donation is a gift for a lifetime.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

I too am listed as an organ donor but had always said "take everything but do NOT take my eyes". For some reason the thought really creeped me out. My niece had an eye injury when she was 2 (she is now 8) and will need a cornea transplant someday. Needless to say, I have changed my mind and they may now take my eyes too. Funny how circumstances can change our minds in a heartbeat!

Just Mom said...

My hubby is a living organ donor. He donated a kidney to his youngest brother.

Anyway... both of us should be listed as organ donors, too.

michelle said...

It is such a unselfish gift! I have heard so many amazing stories of organ donating!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

my grandpa used to try and scare us into believing that if you were in a car accident and "barely living" and they noticed you were an organ donor they wouldn't try to save you....

i am just one of a big bowl full of nuts.