Friday, June 15, 2007

A day in the life of the boys . . .

Start the day by getting the paper for Mommy. Can't forget to put on a pair of her socks--it might only be 70 degrees outside (wouldn't want to get cold!).
Next, get all the gear you might need and head outside! Don't forget your swimsuit!

Spend some time blowing bubbles--always a good way to spend time!

Ice cream is a good way to cool off when it's hot . . .

And always finish up with a bath--end the day clean!



Kimmy said...


That is a great post... my son has those same swimming shorts! And I LOVE the socks... too cute. ~ Kim

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Aaah, the joys of motherhood. I love staying home too. Sometimes it seems like a thankless job but when they are older, you will really be glad that you did stay home.

R. E. Lueck said...

I love it that you have frequent pictures of Henry and Jonah up here... I love seeing their adorable little faces. It seems like you're having just as much fun as ever with them. How is everything going with you? Getting anxious to see your little daughter? Have you and Sam agreed on an appropriate name yet? I still think Matilda could be nice. Matilda Mary... it has that ring to it.

Anonymous said...

Those two could steal anyone's heart! I love the socks.

Praying for you each day!

Much love always!

michelle said...

Cute cute cute! I am jealous at the summer activities and warm weather. :-)

Beth said...

Very cute pictures! I'm glad you get to stay home with your kids—a blessing I'm incredible thankful for as well. : )

Heidi Jo Comes said...

no paying profession can offer you perks like that!

Shanygne said...

What a great day!! and a great way to capture it!

We have a registry at Target and, but the only thing we really need is a swing, since ours bit the dust... what we DON'T need is 0-6 month clothes... Katie has a few drawers full now...a friend hit a garage sale and brought a ton to us...

Just Mom said...

Makes being a SAHM absolutely worth it.