Friday, July 06, 2007

Potty training with Jonah is going really well. He's not exactly independent or anything yet, but he is getting the picture. We've been pretty busy--not exactly the best time to really focus on potty training, but I'm starting to feel the time crunch (the baby is due in a month!). I would love for him to have it all figured out by the time she arrives--be praying for us! :)
Now if I could just get Sam better trained . . . .


Anonymous said...

OH MY WORD! I just read Karen Kool's blog about having a rating added to your blog. I think it's time to post a rating on your blog, Lisa, hehe.
That Sam! Looks like he is at it again :)
Poor Mommy, I hope you didn't have to clean up that mess with your tummy in the way.
I'm still smilin' at that picture.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

It is so darn hard to get those husbands trained isn't it??!! I've been working on mine for almost 20 years now with no are much easier.

Just Mom said...

Wha...? BAH hahahahahahaha. I sure hope that's orange juice on your floor.

Kimmy said...

toooooo funny! ~Kim

Jon Hasz said...

very funny