Thursday, July 19, 2007

The swingset is here!

I think I may have mentioned on here before that my mom was getting a swingset for the boys. It was back-ordered, but it finally came today around 3:00 (after I spent all morning at home because it was supposed to arrive "sometime between 9 and 11 a.m."). Sam wasted no time in coming home after work to put it together....and here it is!
Isn't it great? The spot Sam had cleared in the woods is just perfect--it looks so cool, set back in the trees. Since it was a surprise for the boys, when Sam got home to work on it, I took the boys to a movie. (We saw Ratatoille; the boys loved it, I thought it was okay.)

They were (are) so excited when they figured out what Daddy had been working on out there! They could hardly wait to head out and try it all out. SO FUN!!!

I think it's going to be even more of a challenge to get the boys to come inside now!


Unknown said...

It does look good. Sam did a great job.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm glad you didn't attempt putting this together as a couple. I guess you got my point on that one, hehe.
Love the boys pictures. They are going to love that swingset!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Lots of fun times to be had out there at the swingset I'm sure. Looks great!

branderlee said...

Confession: I'm a total lurker.


<3 brandy

Beth said...

How fun! We're actually in the looking stage . . . and wondering how we would actually get it put up—hmmmm, wonder if Uncle Sam needs another little diversion on his hands? : )

Just Mom said...

That is FANTASTIC! I'd have a hard time going inside, myself.

Lori said...

Love your new swingset.

Kimmy said...

that's fancy! Can we come over and play???? (o: ~ kim

michelle said...

Awesome!! I loved that part that Sam wasted no time in putting it together after work. Okay when we got ours it took Rich and 2 interns 5 hours to get it up. They started in the day light and end up finishing way after dusk doing it by spot light.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

andrew baby has the same green/blue jersey shirt that one of the boys have on in the last picture.

that swing set looks like LOADS of fun!