Tuesday, August 07, 2007

New pictures!

Bridget says "Hi" to Mommy's blogging buddies!
These two are forming a VERY special bond. Henry calls her "Fish" but also "Sweetie Pie" and he is really doting on her. He picks out her clothes every morning and never forgets a bow for her hair! Henry loves to check on Bridget while she is sleeping....he tiptoes into her room, leans over the crib and whispers to her and gives her kisses. Too sweet!

Here's the crew, hanging out together this morning!

So far this baby is such an easy, lovable, snuggly little one! Bridget is sleeping well and she just always seems happy and content when she is awake. God is so great! Bridget is exactly what we prayed for and asked for--such an incredible blessing!


Beth said...

What cute pictures! Love the one of her waving!

Little girls are so much fun! : )

Teresa said...

She looks absolutely perfect! I love the picture of the 3 kids.....priceless!

Anonymous said...

Does she look like Henry? I think so from the pics. What a beautiful family you have! I would love to have been able to hold her and kiss her too, but I did get a little baby fix with Lindsey's nephew. It was great!

I've been thinking about you every single day :)

Grace said...

I love the picture of all three of them!

"he is really doting on her"

and they will continue...my two boys still do this to their baby sister. She’ll be a year old this month...time goes by so quickly!

Enjoy these moments...my oldest starts kindergarten in 20 days!!!! I miss him already. :)

The Secret Life of Kat said...

So cute!

Beth said...

We are hoping to stop by sometime. (We'll call first). David hasn't seen Bridget yet and is anxious to. I really want to see her again too—they change so quickly!

This is crunch time for HA . . . but we really are trying to figure out a 30 minute window at least.

Kimmy said...

oh... this warms my heart... so precious... what great big brothers... I'm truly so happy for you... and I hope you're getting some rest! ~ Kim

Shanygne said...

Yeah! When Kevin brought your thank you note home, I started ranting... "of COURSE she has thank you notes written! She's the consummate mother and wife and perfect woman!" Love you, lady! Glad things are going so well... those kids are all so great!

Just Mom said...

They're all so precious.

Lori said...

Adorable photos of your 3 munchkins.