Thursday, August 09, 2007

Gotta love free stuff!

Our local Lowe's (home improvement store) has a free kid's project once or twice a month. They provide all the materials, give the kids an apron, eye protection goggles, patches and awards of completion, and they supervise the whole thing. It's great! We went to one right before Bridget was born and let the kids build their own tool boxes. It was too fun! Then we went home and continued the fun by painting them. The boys have been carrying them around (sometimes filled with "tools" and sometimes filled with whatever they come across!) and having a ball with them!


Beth said...

Wow! Go Lowes! What a fun thing to do. : )

branderlee said...

Aw. I miss them :)

... and you guys!
and, I was wondering if maybe I could hold bridget?

call us! :)

Grace said...

How cool! I'll have to see if the Lowe's around here does it and when!!!!!

Great pictures!

Just Mom said...

I can already see Bridget having fun with her brothers' toys.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Yeah Lowes, what a neat thing to do!

Anonymous said...

I can see the boys taking right after fun!

Kimmy said...

looks like those boys aren't missing a beat with that baby girl around... (o: way to go mom and dad! ~ kim