Thursday, November 15, 2007

random thoughts

Jordan and Jonah, playing at the park.

Where does the time go? Does anyone else feel that the days are flying by? Henry (whose birthday isn't until the end of May) is counting down the days until he turns five. I find myself amazed that my little Jonah is going to be three years old in a few months. And how is my baby already three and a half months old? Seriously, how did it happen?

Being a mom is such an amazing thing. I love everything about it.

I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying some days aren't rough. I don't mean to insinuate that I don't struggle.

I just want to remember that they are little for such a short time. I want to enjoy every bit of their childhood. I want to feel the joy that they experience in every little thing. I don't want to rush through one stage just to get to the next.

There isn't really any point to my post today, just some things I'm thinking on.

Hope all you moms out there have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Well, I got very teary-eyed on your "random thoughts." I, too, feel like my kids are growing too fast. I certainly have those times when I want everyone to grow up so I can get a break (my kids are 3 weeks, 15 months, and 2 years), but usually I TRY very hard to savor every moment. I see now how quickly kids pass the newborn stage, and the toddler stage...I'm sure preschool years and beyond will all fly by and, oh, I am going to start crying again! Thanks for the post:)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are taking all the words I've preached at you about enjoying those precious little ones each day. Even on the hard days when they find your pennies you can thank God that they are yours.

The picture is just too sweet. I know how the boys love Jordan.

Be blessed today as you walk this road of motherhood. Always remember you have a Michigan friend who is there cheering you on...Go Lisa!

michelle said...

I second your thoughts. It is going way too fast. I tell Tori I am going to freeze her so she won't change...well maybe I will wait until she is potty trained. :-)