Friday, September 26, 2008

Bridget's turn...

So to continue to uplift my husband and help him not to miss his family so much, tonight it is Bridget's night. Here is a little of what she has been up to...


Not to be outdone by her brothers, Bridget tried her hand at basketball. Before taking the court, she draped herself in lunchboxes--the girl likes to accessorize!

Just hangin' on the stairs, hoping someone will pick her up. :)

Trying on an ESOAL helmet at the banquet earlier this week.

This one is sort of a "Where's Waldo" only you're looking for the baby who destroyed the room and is now hiding somewhere in it...

To Daddy from Bridget, as interpreted by Mommy: "I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you again soon! I'm going to be walking soon, but I am waiting until you come home to really practice--don't want you to miss it! Have fun and I'll see you on Sunday."

1 comment:

sam said...

You have saved the best for last. I miss my little girl. I am missing my famuly more than anyone reading this knows. I am coming home tomorrow and I may not leave again for a VERY VERY long time. Love you wife.