Friday, November 28, 2008


Sometimes things don't go quite like I've planned.

Like last weekend, when I decided to surprise Sam while he was out of town and put up the Christmas decorations.

First I couldn't find the tree. It was over in the neighbor's barn (and I should have remembered that, but I didn't!) so I looked EVERYWHERE before I finally realized where it must be. The boys got it all decorated (they did a wonderful job, by the way) and after I got them to bed I climbed up on the step stool to place the angel on top. And that is when this happened:

I took the picture after I swept up all the broken glass ornaments that SHATTERED when they hit the tile. Luckily enough, the only things that broke were plain colored balls--nothing special.

Or like yesterday morning, when I went to get Bridget up and found her COVERED in vomit.

The poor little girl was miserable, but she sure tried to have a good day. She took many naps yesterday and her fever finally went down in the evening. It was almost comical how she would go from hysterical laughter to a weeping, sobbing mess in a matter of seconds. Rufus (her beloved little dog) had to have TWO baths in the washing machine--which was a traumatic time for my little love. (One bath due to being vomitted on and one due to being left near the toilet and then being peed on by a little boy who missed the potty.... *ahem-Jonah*) Then there was last week when I tried desperately to keep Jonah awake in the car so that we could go and pick up his brother from kindergarten before naptime. I let him ride in the middle seat without his booster seat. I even bought him a giant pretzel for his lunch so that he would have motivation to stay awake. You can see it sitting there in the seat in front of him.

And there was no planning involved in this photo. Just Henry dressed as "Brave Hunter" which was his Indian name during the feast with the pilgrims at kindergarten last week. The stick? Oh, that's his gun, of course. :)

Despite the little sick girl, we had a great Thanksgiving! Sam's dad was here (his mom is in Russia with Kelly, helping to bring our new little nephew home) and some friends, so we had a day full of good food, fun games and conversations--and football, of course! In the evening Sam's brother David stopped by for a while with Ashley and Cole. It was great--Henry was beside himself with excitement at seeing Cole and Bridget couldn't get enough of Ashley. Jonah was just full of joy all day. He ate very little at the big meal, but he had plenty of room for cookies and snacks the rest of the day. ;)

A very fun Thanksgiving. Now we just have to wait for Kelly and Mary Beth to come home with sweet little Matthew!

PS: I did venture out to Walmart early this morning for a few Black Friday bargains. I got in and out and back home in 35 minutes. It was fun! Did anybody else head our for deals today?


Anonymous said...

What a great post, LOL. Sorry your babe was sick. It reminded me of the year Jenna little finger got pinched in the bathroom door and I spent Thanksgiving afternoon in the emergency room.

Anonymous said...

Nope, not out shopping for any deals. We wanted to hit the Teavana tea store and American Eagle, but that's about all we did. The tea store was outrages, but the girls had fun and I bought Jenna a gift. We did find deals at AE. We were not serious shoppers today, just having some fun.

Unknown said...

Oh Lisa...I laughed so much at your CHristmas tree story and felt so badly for you with Bridget being sick...then the rest of you! I talked to Dave and he has been quite sick...poor guy...and no one to care for him. I hope you are all feeling better- loved the post about Jonah and pretzel- can't wait till we are back home and can see you all!

Kim said...

It's a Charlie Brown Christmas tree!!! I laughed out loud when I saw that picture... wah hahahaha!

Poor Bridget. I'm so glad she's better. And man, is she the spitting image of Sam or what!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i have to admit that i saw the picture in my google reader a few days ago and about peed my pants laughing! sorry it was not a 'laughable' moment for you too:0) that is just too cute--

sorry to hear that your sweet baby bridget was sick. there is nothing worse than seeing your kids feel that way...hope your house is in full recovery! tree included:0)