Saturday, August 29, 2009

Homeschool Help Part 2

Update on my last post....I just received a phone call from the man at the garage sale. As he was cleaning up the leftovers from the sale he found that there were actually work books and tapes to go along with the curriculum that I had bought.
He wanted me to know that he would be holding on to them for me and I could pick them up anytime I wanted. Also if I was interested in any of the other books that didn't sell, he wanted me to know I could take them as well.
Isn't that great? I had to write a check at the garage sale yesterday since I hadn't taken enough cash with me. I was kind of irritated with myself for having to write a silly $5 check, but now I realize that without that, the man would not have had my phone number to let me know about the extra materials! :)


Anonymous said...

God sure is pouring out his blessing upon your new path of homeschooling. I'm giving him the glory along with you!!!

Just Mom said...

That's just awesome, Lisa!

Andrea said...

Thats awesome Lisa! God is amazing!
I think its great that your doing this for your kids :)

Beth said...

the gift that keeps on giving- Writing that check reminds me of Psalm 18- 'the way of the Lord is perfect.' Thanks for your comment on my post- have a great day!