Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sweet Boys

This morning I sent the boys out to pick up the empty garbage cans from the end of the road.

They were gone quite a while so I stepped out to make sure they didn't need any help.

This is the first thing I saw...

Jonah rigged his can up to his bicycle to make it easier to haul back to the house. Clever, huh? He was pretty proud of himself. :)

Further down the driveway I saw this...

Here is Henry coming with his can and Bridget patiently waiting in the the push car that she is currently borrowing from our neighbors.

He stops, pushes Bridget up the driveway about twenty feet...
...then runs back down the driveway to move his can up to where Bridget is so he can push her again! What a sweet brother! :)


Unknown said... have such sweet kids...I love the post and the pix...thanks for taking the time to share.

Jennifer said...

I LOVE this! So precious!

Anonymous said...

Just the perfect moment that a mom loves to catch!

Save these photos for when they are teenagers, LOL

Michelle said...

Precious. Just precious.

Shanygne said...

AWESOME! I love moments like these!!

Journey said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing :) A great reminder to take the time to be kind :)

Leslie said...

Soooo sweet!!! What precious and creative boys you have!!! Love it!