Friday, May 28, 2010

Bridget Mary, hair dresser extraodinaire...

Yes, she fixes her own hair. And mine too, whenever I let her get close enough with the hair brush.
I think she was going for the formal/wedding day/fancy dress kind of up-do here. Not too bad for a two year old, eh? It doesn't hurt that her hair naturally curls when it's humid.

I think we'll start a business. Hair styles by Bridget. Who wants to be her first customer? I think she accepts fruit snacks as payment. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm game, but will it involve vaseline?

Journey said...

Could she be any cuter? And she is growing exponentially every day- becoming more and more beautiful :) Love this look she's giving us in the camera- priceless!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

very cute indeed! but i think she could have a mohawk and look, not sure?

Jennifer Kindle said...

Kate would love for Bridget to do her hair!!! Too sweet...those girls are something else after all these boys, huh?

Just Mom said...

She takes payment in fruit snacks? JS does too when I ask him to make me some artwork. :-D

- Kailene said...

Wow - look at those eyes! She is one lovely lady! How precious!