Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My Project

I stayed up way too late last night working on this, but there just wasn't a good place to stop! So now I'll probably stay up too late again tonight so I can get some color on there!

What do you think? Henry helped me choose the picture. It is on the boy's playroom wall. I'd like to do some music notes/scale type thing around the entire room, kind of as a border, but that might take some time.

EDIT: I want everyone to know that I did not do this freehand! I borrowed an overhead projector, traced the picture onto a sheet of plastic and then just painted what was projected! :)


Just Mom said...

Holy Cow!

Can I hire you to paint Thomas The Tank Engine on my son's wall?

Lori said...

Very cool. I like it!
You are so talented.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

How did you do that? I love mickey and minnie but my kids aren't especially interested. I have a great vintage toy box that would look fabulous with that!

Just Mom said...

(Re. Lisa's Editorial Note)

That still takes talent. Where'd you get an overhead projector?

mary said...

Lisa, that looks great, I can't wait to see it when you get the colors done. I bet the boys were excited to see that on the wall when they got up this morning. And by the way, they're right...,you are very talented.

michelle said...

Were you a teacher? I used to do the overhead thing for bulletin boards...nothing that fancy or requiring paint though. Nice job!