Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Family Updates

Just a few updates on what is going on in our lives . . . . .

This boy is binky-free! It sort of just happened. He asked for it one afternoon and I said "Silly boy, you don't need that right now." And then he never asked for it again. Sam and I both thought surely he would ask again at bedtime, but he didn't. And now it's been almost a week!
Of course, he still sucks his fingers. We'll have to deal with that one later! :)
Nothing much new with this one. He makes us laugh every day. Yesterday he told Jonah, "I love you. You're my best brother in the whole world!" What a sweetheart!

And this is not a mad face, by the way. This is a pretend mad face. :)

Here's the mama. Still pregnant. Starting to dread the coming heat of July. Looking for more maternity shorts. :)

And here's the man of the house, enjoying a little love from his oldest son! I just realized that he has recently blogged again--I think he's disappointed in his lack of comments. (Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that he only blogs once every two months!) I thought a few of you might be able to cheer him up and head over to his site and let him know he's still a funny guy. :)


Heidi Jo Comes said...

oh i love the pictures and updates! you look AMAZING girl- pregnancy is so beautiful.

congrats on the binky...we're struggling here with that. oldest has a thumb comfort (very rarely), second has always had her middle two fingers for comfort (at sleep times), third has, is giving up her paci-much to late- i know...but it's tough when it brings such quick comfort at bed time!

Shanygne said...

COngrats to Jonah!!
I am so glad that you guys had such a good time on your trip to WA! I can't wait to get to that part of the country... my best friend lives near Seattle, and I am determined to get there someday!

Seems the men have been comparing notes on kids and pregnant wives these days... it's fun to hear more about your boys... and know that mine isn't all that different.

Happy Thursday!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Your boys are so cute. You look absolutely great! Thanks for the photos and update.

Just Mom said...

You all look so radiant in those photos, including the "pretend mad face" photo.

BTW, pregnancy looks good on you. :-D

Grace said...

You look great!

Great job Jonah!

My youngest son had a paci and it wasn't too bad getting it away. I recently gave it to him last week to see how he would respond and he has indeed kicked the habit!

Cute picture of the "pretend" mad face!

Shanygne said...

Thanks for your encouragement on my Xanga post... there's a new Blogger post, too! It's more pregnancy-oriented... I would love to hear more about how yours is going!! Any decisions on a name yet??? I still think Katherine would be great with Hasz!

Anonymous said...

Can you get any cuter?

I told Dave about your little plan to meet up. He wants to make it work! We shall would be great! We might stop over in the middle of the night on our way home, just warn Sam...just kidding!

Time to go read Sam's latest post. I can't wait!

I got to hold James Elliott yesterday. I cried...silly me! He is so beautiful and perfect. I just wanted to hold on forever.