Monday, August 13, 2007

Serious....and not so serious!

This past weekend was graduation at Teen Mania. The August interns had their graduation on Saturday, but on Friday night they had their "Gala Celebration" which is a nice dinner and live orchestra--and for us, a rare opportunity to dress up!
The boys were so handsome in their little suits--they were very excited at the chance to wear them! Although I do think the highlight for Henry was seeing all the girls in their pretty dresses--we heard him say "Oooohh, you look pretty!" about a hundred times! He was rather charming!

Bridget wore a casual sun-dress. I don't have any fancy dresses in newborn size, and I just couldn't see buying something that she would outgrow before another opportunity to dress up comes along! She spent the first part of the evening sleeping in Auntie Beth's arms and then the rest of the evening tucked under the table--it was pretty cozy for her!

And here's the boys--need I say more?

Sam brought these home for the boys--they think it's hilarious! (Actually, so do I!)

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Your family looks great. Love the photo!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

what a fabulous family picture! loved it!

Anonymous said...

Isn't the gala wonderful! We enjoyed going with Alicia so much! It was a fun night to see everyone all dressed up.

Alicia had her roomie over from TM this weekend. They had so much fun and talked about it being graduation weekend. They will be forever friends. I had fun just listening to them talk about old times.

It's hard to believe that one year ago Alicia moved back home.

Love the pictures of the kids. I can tell your kids are growing up in a funnnnnnnn home!

Just Mom said...

You all look so fantastic.

Gotta love that last pic of your little guys.

Beth said...

Those are too cute! : )

Grace said...

Beautiful family photo! And you look awesome!

The one of the boys...too cute!

Shanygne said...

Look at you! two weeks after giving birth and you look amazing...

Love the glasses!

Kimmy said...

you look beautiful! what a great picture of the whole family... and that baby... precious. ~ Kim

Lori said...

Great family photo.