Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Today is my wonderful, handsome, funny, cute, strong, silly, smart, sweet, caring, lovable, thoughtful and imaginative husband's birthday.

To know Sam is to love him.

Sam makes life fun! I love being married to this guy. I never know what he is going to do or say, and that is part of his charm. Sam always keeps things light-hearted and he has such a wonderful way with our kids....maybe because he is still a kid at heart!

I love you, Sam! Have a happy Birthday!


Just Mom said...

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday, Sam!

David might not be able to call you today. His was one of the 500 American flights canceled yesterday and he is now stuck in Boston. He just called to say American has now canceled ALL of their flights for today. (That of course might explain why the ticket guy laughed in his face yesterday when David tried to clarify that indeed he would be on a 3:00 flight today).

He is now standing in a 3 mile long line hoping to get switched to United. Unfortunately he took no luggage or even his cell phone charger in that his plan was to fly in and out of Boston all on the same day.

Hope you guys have fun today! : )

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sam!

Dave and I are so glad we actually met you. It was a rare and special treat for both of us.

Lisa, looking at that picture of Sam all I could think was how sweet and gentle Sam's face is. When I met him something just sparkled in his eyes.

I know that you realize how blessed you are to have a man who loves and cares for you, but also makes you laugh. I've always said that is one of the priceless things about Dave.

Wishing Sam a blessed day and a year full of God's goodness and blessings.

Grace said...

Happy birthday, Sam!

I hope he had a wonderful day.