Thursday, September 25, 2008

Continuing the theme from yesterday (Sam's out of town and missing his family), today's focus is on Jonah.

Classic Jo--lounging in the kitchen while I made breakfast.

Here's Jonah mastering the art of took a LOT of pictures to capture one where he actually made contact with the ball! ;)

Joey playing with his sister in the driveway.

Our three little cuties.

And a lovely face just for Daddy.

A personal note to Daddy from Jonah: "I love you. I wanna say I love you and I hope you miss me because I miss you. Okay? I love you Daddy."


Heidi Jo Comes said...

that picture of the three of them in blue...BEAUTIFUL. christmas card?

sam said...

Did someone say Christmas? I am so ready for Christmas. Ah I miss my family. I am SOOOOOOO ready to come home.

Andrea said...

Thats a cute idea...
That picture of them looks great.