Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Sam!

We like celebrating things at our house. Sam's birthday has actually been re-classified as one of the major holidays in our family. ;)

This year was no exception. Sam opened presents (lots and lots of presents!) from us and friends and family. His biggest present was one that Sam gifted to our entire family...a new camper!
Which, of course, required a 'camper-cake' to be requested by the birthday boy. And who am I to say no on this most special of occasions?
Another important factor to a birthday party in this house is that cards must be played. We had Sam's parents and Jon and Kelly over to celebrate, share cupcakes and play cards with us.
Since the celebration was spread out over a few days, we had cupcakes in addition to the camper cake. Here's the birthday boy with his candles:
I love you, Sam! I love the fun you bring to everything you do, the passion you have for life, your devotion to your family, the intensity you live your life with. Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Job38 said...

Wow! That's quite a birthday gift! Do you all have a big trip planned already?
Birthdays look very fun at your house. :)